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Whalebone RFP Series 4: Dr sc. Hrvoje Maljak | Croatian Radiotelevision

Webinar focus on the essential aspects of understanding and mapping telcos customers’s journey. It covers best practices on how to do it effectively and why it should be a pivotal cornerstone of telcos' strategic approach.


  • 4:40 - 3 rules for a successful customer journey mapping
  • 7:20 - Reasons behind creating customer journey maps
  • 9:35 - 3 main customer journey stages identified by Whalebone
  • 11:35 - 8 steps in building actionable customer journey mapping
  • 22:15 - Final learnings for creating an effective CJM
  • 24:40 - Whalebone SCALE Framework to reach 50%+ penetrations
  • 28:26 - Q&A session

About Whalebone RFP (Revenue from Protection) Series

While telecommunications operators all over the world are enriching their cybersecurity portfolios and launching mass-market consumer cybersecurity solutions, not all of them actually sell well. We will explore common mistakes as well as the most successful cases. Our RFP Series is looking at security from a business-first perspective to explore what makes all the difference. Make your business case about business.

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