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Mtel Montenegro - Aura Infrastructure


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In the competitive telecom environment, telcos need robust cybersecurity solutions to safeguard their customers and provide added value. Whalebone Aura, our flagship commercial security product, is an integral part of their portfolios.

Alongside Whalebone Aura, we provide Aura Infrastructure – a sophisticated DNS solution specifically designed for telco network teams. Aura Infrastructure is deployed across all traffic to significantly improve service quality and operational efficiency. 



I see a big advantage in using Whalebone’s solution compared to a basic DNS resolver. An open-source DNS server may work, but it does not offer any extra benefits for our customers. With Aura Infrastructure, we have a DNS server that is maintained and developed by a professional team, ensuring better functionality and reliability.

Aleksandar Obradovic Manager of ICT and billing department MTEL Montenegro



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