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06 January 2025

Certstream Analyzer: Revealing Hidden Threats in Digital Certificates

The first sign of malicious activity often occurs in the shadows, like the silent issuance of a digital certificate for a suspicious domain. At Whalebone, we leverage Certstream Analyzer, a sophisticated tool built on the Real-time Certificate Transparency Log (CTL) Update System, to uncover and analyze such potential threats in real time.

What is Certstream Analyzer?

Every time a secure website is created or updated, it receives a digital certificate, much like a digital passport, proving its legitimacy to browsers and users. Certstream Analyzer monitors the issuance of these certificates globally and in real time, providing us with detailed data on newly certified domains.

This process is not just about gathering data; it is about making sense of it. Certstream Analyzer applies advanced filtering techniques to sift through this vast data stream, highlighting domains that exhibit suspicious patterns. Once flagged, the system assigns a risk score based on various indicators of compromise (IoCs), such as links to known malicious activities.

Beyond New Domains: Why This Matters

Traditional systems, such as WHOIS databases, typically focus on tracking newly registered domains. While valuable, these systems overlook a significant loophole –⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ older domains receiving new certificates. This is where Certstream Analyzer stands out. By identifying updated certificates on pre-existing domains, it uncovers potential threats that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Imagine an abandoned warehouse suddenly showing signs of activity. Traditional systems would overlook it because it is not “new,” but Certstream Analyzer spots the renewed activity, giving security teams a crucial head start.

The Competitive Edge in Threat Detection

This comprehensive approach allows us to see both the surface and the depths of potential cyber threats. Certstream Analyzer provides an expanded view, enabling the detection of threats before they escalate. This early detection is a critical safeguard for our customers.

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